Accelerated Reader

School uses Accelerated Reader to structure progress in reading beyond phonics. As soon as children have completed the levels of RWI they go on to Accelerated Reader. Children are assessed using a baseline test to establish a starting point. This test is called a 'Star Reader Test' which gives them a Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).  This states the readability range within which children should read to best develop their reading, while avoiding frustration. 


They then read books within their ZPD and complete quizzes online. The quiz scores indicate the child’s level of comprehension and when a child is confidently and consistently attaining 80%+ in all quizzes the aim is they independently move themselves up within their ZPD. 


Every half term classes take the 'Star Reader Test' to see if they can gain a higher ZPD for the following half term.  Library books are classified within ZPD ranges that correspond with reading levels. In this way children can choose books from within a specified range ensuring that they match ability whilst still providing practise and challenge.


School has found that children enjoy the independence of this structure as well as the sense of competition and self-regulation in understanding their own progress through levels. Progress is monitored in each class to ensure good rates of progress for all children. Children have a daily opportunity to read their independent books in class as part of the curriculum.

Parents and Carers can get instant updates on their child’s quiz progress by signing up to the AR link. They will know when their child has quizzed and what score they achieved through an email.

The full guides to AR can be viewed below.

Parents Guide to AR

AR What Parents need to Know

ZPD Poster