
Early Years Foundation Stage Vision at Roche 21-22-1

On this page you will find all the information for starting school in Reception Class 2024-25.

We are looking forward to welcoming you and your child to our school. As part of our transition arrangements, you will be able to book a telephone call with Mrs Garratt This will be an opportunity for you to give us background information about your child and for you to ask us questions about your child’s first school days. These will be timetabled in for either Tuesday 2nd July or Tuesday 9th July.  We will be in contact soon to organise these.

We will also be doing a meet and greet at the school on Tuesday 16th July where you will be able to come to the school gate, walk around to visit your child’s new classroom and pick up your child’s new book bag and special gift! 

We also wanted to give you some key dates for September.  Our official start date is Tuesday 3rd September but there will be an INSET day on Tuesday 3rd. We are going to have smaller groups of children attend on Wednesday 4th September, Thursday 5th September, and Friday 6th September. 

We will be telling you your child’s first day during your phone call with Mrs Garratt.

ALL children will then be in school from Monday 9th September and will be attending full time

Please can we have all your forms completed and dropped to the school office by Friday 21st June. You can drop them in at the main green gates Mon-Fri anytime between 9am and 3pm. Press the bell button at the main gate and a member of the office staff will let you in.

Please be reassured that we are going to do all we can to ensure your child has a smooth transition and we will do our best to answer any questions you may have on the following email This is an informative document to help prepare your child for starting school. 

This is a link to a BBC Bitesize section about starting school. This is a guide written to help children make the best possible start to school life.

Please be reassured that we are going to do all we can to ensure your child has a smooth transition during this time and we will do our best to answer any questions you may have on the following email

Many thanks for your cooperation.

Mr Walden Miss Tonkin Mrs Garratt

Headteacher Deputy Head / EYFS Lead EYFS Teacher 

Data Collection Cover Letter - new intake 2024.pdf

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New Reception Starters Invitation 2024.pdf